Sunday, October 4, 2009

21 st Century Skills

My reaction to the web site Partnership for 21st Century Skills is that I found the site to be more of an informational site, in other word more commercially orientated, describing who they are what they are in an effort to inform the general public that professional teachers. It was time consuming for me to locate the specific information I was looking for given my competency level with technology. I did find the following links to be helpful when trying to implement 21 st century skills in my math curriculum,, the link is to a curriculum map for mathematics instruction in the 21 st century.

I am biased when it comes to technology and available web sites, and I am looking for resources and information pertaining to my specific content area, mathematics. I would say the site, Partnership for 21st Century Skills, in that there was more emphasis another content areas specifically science and geography.

I realize the sites emphasis is on 21 st century skills but I believe it is making some assumptions. The first being that all students have acquired a basic understanding of the three R’s, reading writing and arithmetic, those basic skills need to be developed before higher level think skills can be taught. The difference is how those skills are taught.

I have to find a way to include in the curriculum I have been given to teach, those other skills that my students will need to be successful in the 21 st century